29 June 2008


i think i'm becoming lactose intolerant. and that, my friends, is a nightmare. i do love my cheese and my ice cream and my yogurt and my milkshakes. and did i mention my cheese?

if i have a woebegone look on my face when you see me next, you'll know why...


  1. SO sad for you! Maybe you should get a second opinion!

  2. can u still eat the stinky variety? sad sad day.

  3. well, i was pleased to learn that cheese doesn't affect people as badly as milk does. apparently lactose is present in milk solids and liquids in higher quantities than in dairy fat. and cheese, as we all know, has lots of fat in it. :)

    i think i should still be able to do cheese, but i may have to cut back on quantities a bit. still figuring out whether this is actually the problem. but it's the best explanation for my reaction to ice cream pie last saturday night...

  4. I have a friend who is lactose intolerant, but she just takes the lactaid (I don't know if that's what they are called) pills and buys the lactose free milk. It really stinks, but you can get around it in sneaky ways like that.

    It would definitely would be a heartbreaker for me.

  5. Oh, that's very sad! I hope it turns out well. : )

  6. Yuck....how sad for your tastebuds, but probably good for your body!
